Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thursday Thoughts 11-27-13

As you enjoy time this Thanksgiving with family and friends, I encourage you to pause for a moment to reflect on how much we all have for which to be thankful.  Even in our worst scenarios, we have so much more than many others around the world.  Perspective is a good thing, and holidays provide prime time to examine and reflect.   If you need inspiration, read this quote then click on it for more:

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”  --W.T. Purkiser

It’s possible some chapter members may NOT receive email communications from the State Office due to firewall restrictions.  Some issues of e-facts (state newsletter) may not make it through company filters. If you’re not receiving emails from the State Office and your company cannot change firewall settings, you might consider using a personal email address instead (remember to provide this to the State Office for future membership / contact rosters).

From Barbra Hernandez, APR, with Marion County Board of County Commissioners:  [Individuals, brands and PR practitioners that succeed in this new era will do so with edict similar to Dachis Group’s CEO Jeff Dachis new mantra – “This shift from mass communications to a mass of communicators has created a strong fundamental shift.” He’s right, and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and his team just underestimated how mass this group of communicators could be. Click here to read the full article.

Finally, here’s a “visual invite” to our December meeting, complete with holiday music and snow: 

(Special thanks to Devon Chestnut, APR, Gainesville Chapter member and State Board Executive Committee member, for producing this spot for us!)

In giving thanks, continue to think FPRA!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday Thoughts 11-21-13

Happy Thursday! One week from today, we’ll enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with family, friends, and others who make our lives meaningful.  I hope the time away from your job is peaceful and filled with rest… although some of you may venture into the “Black Friday” zone.  If you do, best of luck with that!

Special thanks to Carole Savage, APR, CPRC, on a successful ACES meeting this week.  Though small in attendees, the conversation was rich and full of thought!

Last week’s State Board meeting was filled with information for chapter members.  Among them:  Golden Image is going electronic!  Yes, that’s right – no more three-ring binders at the state level.  Stay tuned to Heather Danenhower, APR, for more details on this exciting evolution and how it may impact our local Image Awards.

In membership, the Ocala Chapter slipped to 4th in the state for renewal rates, but from those listed as “non-renewed” on the State roster, we’ve identified several locals who already ARE in the process of renewing.  If you’re still undecided, do so today… you’ll avoid a late fee and possibly having to start the entire process from scratch.  If you’re not sure, you can always email the state office. <>

Exciting changes are in store for our newsletter… so keep reading these weekly emails to discover those changes!

Here's information on the 76th annual FPRA Conference in Orlando...

I hope you’ll start making plans now to attend!

MARKETING OPPORTUNITY – we’re looking for monthly meeting sponsors wanting brief time before Ocala’s best PR professionals.  If you know someone who’s interested (for a fee), let me know.  I’m happy to contact them to make the pitch.

And finally, watch for a new job posting on <>  soon offering someone with graphic arts experience a good opportunity that’s local.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday Thoughts 11-14-13

Fall is in the air, and cooler temperatures -- at least for today -- are refreshing!

Tomorrow is our monthly professional development session at the Holiday Inn & Suites / Ocala Conference Center.  Networking starts at 11:30AM. I hope you’ll join us to hear Megan Licata, APR, of Fry Hammond Barr Public Relations in Orlando.  Megan was the lead executive in charge of transitioning the famed Peabody Hotel – ducks and all – into the Hyatt Regency Orlando.  With rebranding as her focus, Megan has great experience to share with us. If you’ve not RSVP’d, you can still pay at the door with the $25 price.

FPRA’s State Board of Directors meets this weekend in Jacksonville.  Your Ocala Chapter is well represented on this prestigious leadership team.  Tina Banner, APR, CPRC, is vice president of Accreditation and Certification; Laura Byrnes, APR, is vice president of Professional Development; and Allison Campbell, APR, serves as the vice president of Golden Image.  In addition, Barbra Hernandez, APR and your Programs Chair, and I will attend to represent our chapter. I look forward to bringing home great news for our chapter from this meeting.

And finally, this comes courtesy of our own Toni James, APR, CPRC,… What a museum did to attract visitors: The Rijksmuseum in Holland had an idea:  Let's bring the art to the people and then, hopefully, they will come to see more - at the museum. They took a 1642 Rembrandt painting, “Guards of the Night,” and brought to life the characters in it, placed them in a busy mall, and the rest you can see for yourself! <>

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Until next time, continue to “think FPRA!”